CA Valley Fever Report Jan - June 2024

Valley Fever
Valley fever (also called coccidioidomycosis or “cocci”) is a disease caused by a fungus that grows in the soil and dirt in some areas of California and the southwestern United States. People and animals can get sick when they breathe in dust that contains the Valley fever fungus. This fungus usually infects the lungs and can cause respiratory symptoms including cough, fever, chest pain, and tiredness.
Who IS at risk?
People can get Valley fever any time of the year, but more people are likely to be infected with the fungus that causes Valley fever in the late summer and fall than at other times of the year. Certain groups of people may be at higher risk for developing the severe forms of Valley fever, such as:
Valley fever is most common in adults aged 60 and older
African Americans and Filipinos appear to be at higher risk for disseminated disease
People with health conditions that weaken their immune system ​are at higher risk of having severe or disseminated Valley fever
Persons with diabetes are at risk of sever Valley fever
People who work outdoor are at risk for Valley fever, especially if they dig or disturb soil
Pregnant people are at a higher risk for getting severe Valley fever