recreational Health
The Recreational Health Program is the primary program for ensuring the proper operation and maintenance of public swimming pools and spas. "Public" pools and spas are municipal bathing facilities as well as those at motels, apartment complexes and mobile home parks.
The main goals of this program are to prevent drownings and injuries at public swimming pools and spas and illnesses related to their use as well as to ensure that they are safe, clean, and healthful. We also seek to increase knowledge of pool operation and maintenance principles among managers and employees of facilities operating public pools and spas as well as among commercial pool service companies and owners of private pools.
Poorly operated swimming pools and spas may transmit infectious diseases and skin disorders, including eye, ear, nose and throat infections. Needless tragic deaths from drowning may be prevented if all pool are equipped with a lifeguard or the proper safety equipment.
We carry out a regular inspection program of our inventory of over 110 public pools and spas during the months that they are open. The inspection consists of an evaluation of water quality and recirculation equipment, and a verification that required safety equipment, signs, fences and gates are provided and maintained. In addition, we provide training for interested pool operators and managers.