Family Resource Centers​
Family Resource Center Initiative
Providing funding and support for Family Resource Centers (FRC’s) throughout Kings County remains a key strategy of the Kings County Children and Families Commission (Commission). FRC’s were established to be a single point of access for multiple services for children 0-5 and their families. They are designed to be community driven and coordinated services should be responsive to the needs of the community they serve. The goals of each FRC are specific to the local community with an overarching goal of increasing children’s readiness for school. Integral to their success is their ability to foster relationships with community and local leaders. FRC’s are meant to coordinate services and ensure that they are delivered in an integrated and culturally competent manner.
The Family Resource Center Initiative dates back to FY 2001/2002 when initial planning grants were offered by First 5 Kings County to entities representing each Kings County community to include Armona, Avenal, Corcoran, Hanford, Home Garden, Kettleman City, Lemoore, and Stratford. In March 2006, a new Family Resource Center Initiative was adopted, representing a shift from a planning to implementation stage of development. In 2008, the Commission was presented with the results of the 2006-2008 Evaluation that explored the effectiveness of the Family Resource Center strategy. While the results of the evaluation indicated that overall, “the FRC’s are offering a number of useful services to families of children birth to five years of age”, it also made a number of findings and recommendations in an effort to strengthen the approach. One of the findings of the evaluation was that the demographics being served by FRC’s support the assumption that the strategy is targeting low income populations. While the FRC strategy was not originally intended to serve only low-income populations, it was apparent that by its original design it did just that.
The First 5 funded Family Resource Centers (FRC’s) within Kings County; employ various models constructed to support the delivery of health, education, childcare, and other support services to children and families. FRC’s have the additional impact of building communities and systems that support these families.
It is the intent of the Commission to provide through either direct service or coordinated efforts a comprehensive system of support to children 0-5 and their families through the Family Resource Center model of service delivery. It is the goal of the Commission that all Kings County early childhood education services coordinated through Family Resource Centers will be delivered in a fully integrated manner, with an emphasis on quality, cultural competency, best practice and collaboration.
Strategic Plan Result Area I: Early Childcare and Education Result/Outcome Indicators
Increase in the number of children who participate in quality early childhood programs.
Increase in the number of children who participate in First 5 funded projects.
Strategic Plan Result Area II: Parent Education and Support Result/Outcome Indicators
Increase in the number of parents/guardians who receive general parenting education.
Increase in the number of parents/guardian who participate in educational workshops.
Increase in the number of parents/guardian who receive supportive services.
Increase the number of parents/guardian who participate in school readiness events and activities.
Increase the number of parents/guardian who access school readiness resources.
Parents report that their children birth to 5 years of age are read to up to five hours per week.
Strategic Plan Result Area III: Healthy Children Result/Outcome Indicators (e.g.,)
Increase the number of pregnant women who are referred to services.
Increase the number of pregnant women and mothers provided information and/or education on the importance of prenatal care.
Increase the number of pregnant women and mothers provided information and/or education on the importance of breastfeeding.
Increase in the rate of mothers who report they are breastfeeding for the first six months of a child’s life.
Increase the number of pregnant women and mothers provided information and/or education on fetal alcohol syndrome.
Increase the number of pregnant women and mothers provided information and/or education on the importance of smoking cessation.
Increase the number of pregnant women and mothers provided prenatal and/or postnatal home visits.
Increase the number of children who receive developmental screenings.
Increase the number of children who receive a social-emotional screening (ASQ-SE).
Increase the number of children who receive developmental screenings prior to 3rd birthday.
Increase the number of children who receive nutrition and/or fitness education.
Increase the number of parents/guardians who receive nutrition and/or fitness education.
Strategic Plan Result Area IV: Systems Integration & Alignment Result/Outcome Indicators (e.g.,)
Increase the number of new partnerships within Family Resource Centers.
Increase the number of parents and community members who participate in process to design FRC services offered.
Increase in the depth and breadth of services offered within Family Resource Centers.
Increase community awareness of the value of the FRC model.
Increase the number of new collaborations among parents/caregivers, organizations and institutions across multiple sectors to work together to achieve results through the FRC model.
Increase the percentage of new leveraged resources that support FRC operations.

800 Dairy Avenue
Corcoran, CA
Phone (559) 992-5171 Ext. 15
The Corcoran Family Resource Center provides access to a variety of services to support the health and development of children and families living in the Corcoran community.
Please Contact Corcoran FRC directly for questions regarding its
operating hours or to be added to their arts and crafts
distribution list or for any referrals or resource information.
New Participant and Virtual Classes flyer
Some services offered are:
Parenting Classes
Immigration and Legal Services
Youth Mentoring through Youth Net
Food Link - Food Distribution
Adolescent and Teem Mom Services through KCAO
Children's Literacy Program (3-5)
Parent & Me Early Learning Program (0-5)
â–º Find out how to get to the Corcoran Family Resource Center

400 N. Douty St.
Hanford, CA
Phone (559) 589-2689
Fax (559) 585-0818
The Hanford Family Connection (HFC) is a community based family resource center that is providing school readiness services to families residing in Hanford, Armona, and Home Garden Communities. The services offered at the Hanford Family Connection are developmentally appropriate, and specifically engineered to the age of the child.
Beginning on July 1, 2021 the center will operate on Monday through Friday from 9am-5pm. All staff are bilingual, providing access to both English and Spanish speaking families.
March 2025 Calendar/Marzo 2025 Calendario
Activities for younger children
Kings County Office of Education has put together a
compilation of Content Area Resources for Parents,
Teachers and students TK-12 to use.
Services provided include:
Infant/Toddler Services
Baby & Me
1-2 Year Old Services
Art Explosion
Explore & Learn
My 5 Senses
Sing & Play
3-5 Year Old Services
Smart Art
Snack Attack
Learn With Me
Playing to Learn
Tool Time
Motor Movements
Story Time
Compu Kids
Hands on Science
Paint Date
Family Services
Parenting Classes
Muffins with Parents
Lunch Time with Parents
Play Date
In addition, developmental screenings are offered to all children age 3 months – 5 years at the center. Children are placed in services according to the results, and are provided appropriate referrals when called for.

124 C. Street
Lemoore, CA
Phone (559) 589-2685
The Lemoore Family Connection (LFC) is a community based family resource center that is providing school readiness services to families residing in Lemoore, the Naval Air Station, and Santa Rosa Rancheria. The goal of the Lemoore Family Connection is to promote the well-being of children by advocating for them and their families; facilitating coordination and collaboration among children's programs; and providing programs and services for children and their families.
Beginning on July 1, 2021 the center will operate on Monday through Friday from 9am-5 pm. All staff are bilingual, providing access to both English and Spanish speaking families.
Activities for younger children
Kings County Office of Education has put together a
compilation of Content Area Resources for Parents,
Teachers and students TK-12 to use.
The services currently offered at the Lemoore Family
Connection are developmentally appropriate, and
specifically engineered to the age of the child. Services
provided include:
Infant/Toddler Services
Baby & Me
1-2 Year Old Services
Art Explosion
Explore and Learn
My 5 Senses
Sing & Play
3-5 Year Old Services
Smart Art
Snack Attack
Learn with Me
Playing to Learn
Tool Time
Motor Movements
Story Time
Compu Kids
Hands on Science
Paint Date
Family Services
Parenting Classes
Muffins with Parents
Lunch Time with Parents
Play Date
In addition, developmental screenings are offered to all children age 3 months - 5 years at the center. Children are placed in services according to the results, and are provided appropriate referrals when called for.

75 Fifth Street
Kettleman City, CA
Phone (559) 386-1693
The Kettleman City Family Resource Center provides access to a variety of services to support the health and development of children and families living in the Kettleman City Community.
Hours of Operation Tuesday through Thursday 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Some services offered are:
Parenting Classes
Immigration and Legal Services
Food Distribution
Clothing Distribution
Adolescent and Teem Mom Services
Dental Cleanings
Family Activities
Computer Classes
Parent Support Groups
Family Support Groups
Health Insurance Enrollment Assistance
Children's Literacy Program (3-5)
Parent & Me Early Learning Program (0-5)
â–º Find out how to get to the Kettleman City Family Resource Center