Who is at high risk for severe illness?
Respiratory Virus Prevention
Respiratory viruses, like influenza (flu), COVID-19, a​​nd respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), circulate year-round in the U.S. and California—and are typically more active in fall and winter. This period of time is referred to as “cold and flu season” or “virus season.”
Obtaining your yearly Influenza, Covid-19 and RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) vaccinations are the best way to protect yourself and your family against Seasonal Respiratory Illnesses.
Flu Can Be Very Serious – Flu Vaccine Protects
RSV Vaccine for Pregnant People
Make a Difference this Fall and Winter Virus Season by Recommending the Right Immunizations
Vacuna VRS para personas embarazadas
Learn more about respiratory virus prevention.
¿Quién corre un riesgo elevado de sufrir una enfermedad grave?